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Red River's High St Now Passable as Long as You Own Construction Equipment

Rob Swan, Swan Realty -

It's no secret that the condition of High St has deteriorated over the last 126 years to the point that the Town of Red River had considered installing 4- Wheel Drive only signs to warn would be travelers that your vehicle suspension may be in serious danger and there was a very real possibility that you may not make it to your destination if you were not in possession of a high clearance vehicle. However, the situation has now improved.

As long as you own large construction equipment, passage along High St. should not be an issue. Construction equipment has actually become a common sight on High Street, seamlessly blending into daily life. Front-end loaders, skid steers, and even backhoes now traverse the thoroughfare with surprising ease. These mechanical giants, typically associated with work sites, have been spotted engaging in surprisingly mundane activities, ferrying children to school and even patronizing local businesses along High Street.

So if you are planning on visiting Red River and need to access High St., you may want to park you car on Main St. and hitch a ride with one of our local excavation companies.

Construction Equipment on High St.
Construction Equipment on High St.


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